Tips on How to Form a High-Performance Hackathon Team

The GenQ Quantum Computing Hackathon is where you will collaborate with fellow innovators to ideate, brainstorm, and create quantum tech prototypes together. Read below what makes hackathon teams successful.

Quantum technologies offer groundbreaking approaches that could significantly contribute to solutions for global problems such as climate change, hunger, health issues, and more resilient infrastructure development. At the GenQ Quantum Computing Hackathon in Calgary, quantum engineers, software developers, innovation managers, data analysts, physicists, and researchers will collaborate to explore quantum’s potential for social change and innovation in a productive environment. The 48-hour hackathon is a breeding ground to connect innovators and lay the foundation for quantum tech use cases tackling challenges currently faced by humanity.

Hackathon participants will work in cross-disciplinary teams, combining their knowledge and skills. This ensures that each team is well-rounded and equipped to tackle the hackathon challenges. 

  • What characterizes high-performance hackathon teams?

  • How can participants find the right teammates? 

  • Why is collaboration so crucial for innovation? 

Read below what to consider when forming hackathon teams.

Diverse skills, backgrounds, and perspectives fuel innovation and creativity 

Teams composed of individuals with complementary skills and diverse backgrounds are usually more innovative and creative. 

Diverse teams can approach challenges in ways that may not be immediately apparent to a more homogeneous group. Studies consistently show that when teams bring together different ways of thinking, they are better at analyzing problems and making informed decisions. 

Another key characteristic of high-performing teams is their ability to remain flexible and adaptive, which empowers them to adjust to a new direction, overcome unexpected hurdles, and embrace new ideas.

What participants should know about matchmaking 

"We believe in a good mix of skill sets and backgrounds and encourage participants to form diverse teams," says Thomas Landis, COO and Head of Accelerator at QAI Ventures. To facilitate this process, the accepted participants have been invited to a Slack channel designed to help them get to know one another and share their expertise. 

As a hackathon participant, you should introduce yourself, summarize your background, state what you are looking for, and explain what is important to you when working in a team. In the Slack hackathon channel, you may also pitch your quantum business idea to attract individuals who share a passion for the same challenge or solution.

An icebreaker activity during the first hackathon evening further helps participants to make new connections and quickly identify complementary skills and common areas of interest. “For those who are new to hackathons or still unsure about finding teammates, we will provide guidance and suggestions, helping to match participants based on their skill sets, backgrounds, and goals,” explains Thomas Landis. By fostering an environment that prioritizes collaboration and inclusivity, the GenQ Quantum Computing Hackathon ensures that participants can build diverse, high-performance teams capable of tackling complex challenges.

Industry experts and mentors offer valuable input

Collaboration at the GenQ Quantum Computing Hackathon extends beyond just the participants. 

Corporate sponsors play an integral role by defining key challenges for the teams to tackle and will actively work alongside them to bring innovative business ideas to life and develop real-world quantum use cases. 

Experienced mentors will support all the hackathon teams by sharing their knowledge, expertise, and know-how. At the same time, quantum hardware companies provide critical infrastructure for you to push the boundaries of what is possible. 

The GenQ Quantum Computing Hackathon will culminate in a final pitch competition, during which the teams present their solutions to a jury. After the pitches, you receive constructive feedback from the jurors, providing insights into how you can refine and develop your ideas for potential real-world application. 

Selected hackathon teams will be invited to a boot camp to develop their use cases further and receive additional support from QAI Ventures, industry partners, and mentors. After the boot camp, the teams can apply for the first batch of the accelerator program in Canada, a unique program tailored to support entrepreneurs and innovators through investments, coaching, network opportunities, and premium access to cutting-edge technology.


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