Corporate & Sponsors Information


  • Learn more about Quantum Computing and receive novel solutions, ideas, and feedback tailored to your company.

  • Benefit from brand recognition, as the event and your support will be promoted globally through our online and offline channels.

  • Engage with over 100 qualified participants, review their CVs, and save time and cost when hiring new talent or experts.

  • Strengthen your innovation culture, explore solutions related to the SDGs, and offer internal education activities.

  • Be part of the hackathon jury, access our global community of experts, and connect to quantum hardware and software providers.


  • Learn more about Quantum Technologies and their market potential, and integrate the new insight into your curriculum.

  • Benefit from brand recognition as the event and your support will be promoted globally through online and offline channels.

  • Provide your students with an opportunity to learn more about startups, corporate innovation, and entrepreneurship.

  • Access a global community of experts and connect with investors, corporations, and new partners. 

Quantum Hardware

  • Showcase and test your hardware with real industry use cases and receive feedback from new and experienced users.

  • Benefit from brand recognition as the event and your support will be promoted globally through online and offline channels.

  • Engage with over 100 qualified participants, review their CVs, and save time and cost when hiring new talent or experts

  • Work alongside our corporate sponsors and make new connections to universities and investors.

  • Enter and foster your relationships with key stakeholders in Alberta and the broader Canadian quantum ecosystem.

Contact us and learn more about sponsoring opportunities

All partnership levels are negotiable. To learn more and discuss your needs, please email or schedule a meeting with Marius Almstedt, COS at QAI Ventures.

FAQs for Sponsors

  • The hackathon provides a platform to enhance your company’s brand, recruit talent, and promote innovation in quantum computing. Sponsors can position themselves as leaders in the technology industry.

  • Various sponsorship packages offer different levels of visibility and engagement. Details about the packages can be found on our sponsorship page.

  • Depending on the sponsorship package, your logo will be prominently placed on all promotional materials, the website, and the event. You also have the opportunity to present a challenge to participants, give a presentation, or lead workshops.

  • Yes, sponsors can provide their own mentors and judges to assist participants and help evaluate the projects.

  • You will reach a highly qualified audience of students, developers, researchers, and professionals interested in quantum computing and innovative technologies.

  • You can contact us through the sponsorship form on our website or email our sponsorship team. We will then contact you to discuss the details.

  • Yes, we are open to tailored sponsorship options that meet your company's specific needs and goals.

  • The hackathon is widely promoted and attracts participants from various countries. To achieve even greater reach, the event will also be streamed online.

  • We are committed to sustainability and inclusion, so we promote eco-friendly practices and ensure that the event is accessible to people of different abilities.