“Quantum Technology Can Solve Real-World Problems”

Quantum technology has the potential to transform industries and address some of the most pressing issues of the 21st century, such as climate change, food insecurity, and health problems.

The ever-increasing fascination for quantum technology is mainly driven by its revolutionary potential, recent technological advancements, substantial investments by both governments and businesses, and broad applicability across industries. While quantum technology is not new, it now frequently makes headlines in major publications, and the interest in quantum is also reflected in Google Trends, where search queries related to this topic have shown a steady upward trend over the last five years. According to a 2024 report by the global management consulting firm McKinsey, quantum technology could create value worth trillions of US dollars within the next decade.

“Powerful universal quantum computers are still some years in the future, but other forms of quantum computing are already in existence, and there is increasing interest in potential uses for quantum simulation and already achievable quantum applications”, states the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. As quantum computers can solve specific problems exponentially faster than classical computers, quantum technology can potentially transform how we live and work.

“Quantum technology will speed processing by order of magnitude compared to conventional computing and impact all key economic sectors over the next ten years”, writes the World Economic Forum. This can drive economic development by creating new industries, enhancing existing ones, eliminating inefficiencies in business processes, and generating jobs in high-tech.

Contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by creating a quantum use case

Quantum advancements could lead to breakthroughs in fundamental science, enhancing our understanding of the universe. “Quantum-related spin-off technologies will make important research contributions”, the article by the Department of Computer Science at Oxford University mentioned above claims. Quantum technology can contribute to solving pressing global challenges like climate change, energy efficiency, health care, and sustainable growth.

In October 2024, quantum enthusiasts have the opportunity to explore quantum’s potential to contribute to the following five sustainable development goals (SGD) defined by the United Nations at the GenQ Hackathon organised by QAI Ventures Canada powered by Quantum City in Calgary:

  • Zero hunger: end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

  • Good health and well-being: ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

  • Affordable and clean energy: ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all

  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure: build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

  • Climate action: take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

“With the QenQ Hackathon, we aim to bring the North American quantum tech community together and show that quantum can solve real-world problems”, says Thomas Landis, Head of Accelerator at QAI Ventures. According to Thomas, hackathons are an ideal breeding ground to connect tech, innovation, and sustainability enthusiasts with complementary skill sets and lay the foundation for quantum tech use cases tackling challenges currently faced by humanity. 

Connect with like-minded people and use quantum to usher social change at the GenQ Hackathon in Calgary

“Within 48 hours, the participants are invited to focus exclusively on exploring quantum, realizing business ideas, and making an impact. Experienced mentors support the hackathon teams by sharing their knowledge, expertise, and know-how while quantum hardware companies provide the critical infrastructure”, explains Thomas. 

Corporate sponsors can define challenges for the participants to work on and will collaborate closely with the teams. The hackathon will end with a final pitch competition, during which the teams present their solutions to a jury and receive feedback. 

Selected teams will be invited to a boot camp to develop their use cases further and receive additional support from QAI Ventures, industry partners, and mentors. After the boot camp, the teams can apply for the first batch of the accelerator program in Canada, a unique program tailored to support entrepreneurs and innovators through investments, coaching, network opportunities, and premium access to cutting-edge technology. At the GenQ Hackathon in Calgary, teams can also win a golden ticket to a speed dating event with industry partners.

Are you a quantum technology, innovation, or sustainability enthusiast eager to develop use cases that further SDGs with like-minded people? Apply to the GenQ Hackathon in Calgary now.


Why You Should Apply to the GenQ Hackathon in Calgary Now